
What have I been doing?

1. The teacher explains that the students have to guess what the teacher has been doing from a description of his appearance. The activity is not revealed but clues are given in the description, e.g. Teacher: I'm wearing blue shorts. Student: Have you been playing football? Teacher: No, I haven't. I'm carrying a racquet. Student: Have you been playing tennis? Teacher: Yes, I have.
2. The students are only allowed 10 No answers before the teacher wins. To help the students the teacher can put simple questions on the board as prompts.
3. A student then takes the part of the teacher and describes his own appearance. This can also be done in small groups.
4. To help students with ideas and language the teacher can prepare cards with an activity written on each. The cards can also contain a few notes, e.g. You have been cooking. There is flour on your clothes. Your fingers smell of onions, sleeves are rolled up.

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