
Eat, smile, dance!

1. Write up on the board: EAT, SMILE, DANCE. Ask the students if they always eat, smile and dance in the same way. Does it depend on who they are with…?
2. Get the students to write between 5 and 10 questions (depending on the size of the class), each addressed to named people in the group asking how they smile, eat or dance in particular situations, e.g.: 'Mark, how do you smile at your boss?', 'Maria, how do you eat when your grandfather comes to lunch?'
3. The students now fire their questions at each other across the room, with you at the board building up a list of the adverbs used in the replies.
4. Ask a student to come out and give orders to the others using the 3 verbs and the adverbs from the board, e.g.: 'Juana, eat greedily!', 'Akiro, smile sweetly!'

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