
Sensory styles

1. Write down on the blackboard: 0 = can't at all; 1 = hardly; 2 = pretty good; 3 = easily.
2. Tell the students that you are going to test how they recollect their memories.
3. Read all three columns and ask some students at random.

__SEE wallpaper in your room
__SEE a kangaroo
__SEE your front door
__SEE your toothbrush
__SEE a friend's face
__SEE a plate of food
__SEE a TV show
__SEE your hairdo
__SEE a smiling cat
__WATCH the TV scene change

__HEAR a shot
__HEAR sounds of the waves
__HEAR a horse's laugh
__HEAR your favourite song
__HEAR rain
__HEAR a fire alarm
__HEAR a friend's voice
__HEAR your own voice
__HEAR birds singing...
__HEAR the birdsong change to a call of alarm

__FEEL yourself angry
__FEEL your feet in cold water
__FEEL hot potato in your mouth
__FEEL excited
__FEEL yourself swimming
__FEEL grass under your feet
__FEEL a cat on your lap
__FEEL the key, while opening the door
__FEEL your fingers on a piano keyboard
__FEEL your fingers playing a few notes

4. When you've done the test add up your scores for each sense: SEE ___; HEAR ___; FEEL ___

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