
Adjective match

1. The teacher thinks of an adjective; the aim is for the class to guess it. The teacher gives as a prompt a noun which the adjective could describe. Students make 2 or 3 guesses at the adjective, using it with the noun. If the do not guess correctly the teacher provides a further noun prompt and elicits further guesses. With each additional noun prompt, the choice of adjective becomes narrower, as each previous noun must be kept in the mind, e.g. teacher's word flat:
Teacher: (prompting) Table.
Student 1: (guessing) A square table?
Teacher: No.
Student 2: (guessing) A wooden table?
Teacher: No.
Student 3: (guessing) A round table?
Teacher: No. (prompting) Road.
Student 4: (guessing) A straight road?
Teacher: No.
Student 5: (guessing) A level road?
Teacher: No, but very near.
2. After the initial teacher/student phase, the game can be played by students in pairs or groups. The students choose their own words, or are given words by the teacher so that their collocation practice is guided.

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