
I didn’t know that last week

1. Ask the students to remember the events of last week.
2. Tell them to write down the things they didn’t know that were at that moment, would happen, and had happened before, e.g.: Last week I didn’t know that I was pregnant / would marry this summer / had met my future husband.

New rules

1. Divide the class in groups of four. Each group is to create a rule to be followed in their conversation, e.g.: Nobody is allowed to speak before he has scratched his head.
2. Each group gets a topic to discuss and sends one spy to another group. His task is to find out a rule.
3. Each member of the group must speak 3 times in turn upon the topic obeying the rule of his group. Then a spy goes to a different group and so on until he returns to his own and tells his observations.

Finishing conditional sentences

1. Give a sentence using the first conditional, describing one of a number of possible variations, preferably based on personal taste. For example: If I go to France this summer I will visit ... the Eiffel Tower. If I had a million dollars I would buy ... a luxury yacht.
2. Invite students to express their own variations: If I go to France this summer, I will visit the Eiffel Tower. If I go to France this summer, I will visit the Louvre. If I go to France this summer, I will visit the Opera.
3. If the activity is done in full class, students may later try to recall what other students' variations were: If I go to France this summer, I will visit… If feel very hungry this evening, will eat... If I have time next weekend, I will go to… If I have to write a story for homework, I will write about... If you come to my home, you will see ... If I go away on holiday this year ... If I lose all my money... If we get too much homework ... If my friend gets into trouble ... If we finish early today ... I'll eat my hat if ... This school will have to close if ... We will all be very happy if ... I will be rather disappointed if ... Will you help me if …

Random dictionary

1. You need an English monolingual dictionary. You ask the stu­dents to call out any number which falls between the first and last page (e.g. 251). You turn to the page named, then ask for any number between 1 and 20 (e.g. 15). You now look up the fif­teenth headword on the page. If this turns out to be a function word (e.g. a preposition), the next content word on the page (preferably a noun or a verb) is taken. The students write this word down. The procedure is then repeated five times. All students should now have five words chosen at random from the dictionary.
2. They now form groups of four. Each group is to use the words to work out a story line which can be acted as a sketch for another group.