
Follow the intonation

1. Teacher gives out the cards with sentences of different intonation patterns.
2. Students are to pronounce them right.

Team arithmetic

1. The teacher asks arithmetical cross-questioning, e.g. What are seven and four? or What is three times five?
2. The first student to answer gets one point.


1. Divide the class into two even groups and give the topic of the discussion, for example 'Should prisons be abolished?'
2. Group A thinks of arguments for prisons and group B thinks of arguments against prisons. Each member of the group should write down all the arguments that come up in the discussion.
3. Elicit ways of disagreeing and introducing counter-arguments, for example, That's all very well, but what about...?; I am not sure I would agree with that; Don't you think...? If necessary suggest some other ways yourself, and write all of these on the board.

No mistake!

1. Ask students to enumerate the letters of the alphabet.
2. If a student makes a mistake he or she is out.
3. The game can be played in teams.


1. Give the students a series of exclamations ('Oh!', 'Ah!', 'Great!', etc.), and ask them what they think has just happened to make the speaker say them. For example, 'Oh!' might mean that: She has had a surprise. or: He has just remembered something.
2. They might brainstorm their ideas orally, or write them down. If possible, record the exclamations, or say them, rather than giving them in writing; this gives the extra dimension of intonation, and makes the meaning clearer.

List of exclamations:
Bad luck!
Thank you!
Stop it!
No, thank you!
Thank goodness!
Touch wood!
My God!
Good luck!
Oh dear!

Tennis elbow foot

1. Student A says a word.
2. Within a strict time limit (say three seconds), Student B must say a second word that connects with the first in some way.
3. Then Student C offers a third word to connect with B's word, and so on round the circle.
4. At any point a player may challenge the connection of another player. E.g. A: tennis - B: elbow (tennis elbow is an illness) - C: foot (elbow and foot are parts of the body) - D: ball (foot + ball = football) - E: fall (fall rhymes with ball) - F: autumn (Fall is US synonym for Autumn) - A: hymn (the last -n of hymn and autumn is silent)

Express your view

1. Near the beginning of term, tell the students that you want each of them to be ready to talk for exactly four minutes on a subject they care about.
2. Each week select a name randomly. That student must prepare his or her talk for the following week. At the end of the talk the other students can ask questions and express how they feel about the ideas expressed.


1. Prepare individual copies of a list of well-known proverbs using the present simple.
2. Read through the list of proverbs with the class, clarifying any difficult vocabulary and making sure the significance of each is understood. Then divide the class into small groups, and ask each group to pick out proverbs they think are untrue or misleading, discuss what is wrong with them, and invent a version that seems to them preferable.

1 A rolling stone gathers no moss.
2 Still waters run deep.
3 Eavesdroppers hear no good of themselves.
4 Love makes the world go round.
5 Actions speak louder than words.
6 Too many cooks spoil the broth.
7 A bad workman blames his tools.
8 Every cloud has a silver lining.
9 Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
10 The early bird catches the worm.
11 A new broom sweeps clean.
12 Dreams go by contraries.
13 It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
14 Familiarity breeds contempt.
15 Bad news travels fast.
16 The more you have the more you want.
17 Nothing succeeds like success.
18 God helps them that help themselves.
19 Practice makes perfect.
20 Two wrongs don't make a right.

How often do we do it?

1. Put these lists upon the board: buy - a magazine, a book, a lipstick, a pair of shoes, hi-fi equipment; borrow – money, pens, ideas, clothes; see – grandparents, boxing on TV, closest friend, a film in a cinema, boy/girl friend, a film on video, textbooks
2. Start asking the class questions like: How often do you go swimming? How often do you go to church? How often do you remember your dreams? Encourage precise answers like: Twice a week / Once a fortnight / Every couple of months rather than just 'often' or 'not often'.
3. Pair the students. Tell the students to find out how often their partner buys/borrows/sees the things in the lists on the board. Go round and supply extra frequency words or phrases that are needed. Tell the students to take note of their partners answers.
4. Call the students back together and ask them to guess how often a certain person does a certain thing. You simply say the name of the student and point to an item on the board. The group has to guess how frequency the person named does the thing pointed at. The person's partner then confirms or denies and corrects it.